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220 lines
| mjr: not needed _normdf for -__M68881__ or the sfp004
| however, _infinitydf is retained
| double floating point normalization routine
| written by Kai-Uwe Bloem (I5110401@dbstu1.bitnet).
| Based on a 80x86 floating point packet from comp.os.minix, written by P.Housel
| Revision 1.6.3 michal 05-93 (ntomczak@vm.ucs.ualberta.ca)
| + restored and ensured future synchronization with errno codes
| + removed bogus error when normalizing legitimate zero
| + small mods to shave off few cycles
| patched by Olaf Flebbe (flebbe@tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de)
| Revision 1.6.2 olaf 12-92:
| + added support for -0.
| Revision 1.6.1 olaf 10-92:
| + corrected rounding in tie case: round up, not down.
| (needed for enquire 4.3)
| Revision 1.6, kub 04-90 :
| more robust handling exponent and sign handling for 32 bit integers. There
| are now overflow tests for 32 bit exponents, and bit 31 of the sign flag
| is or ed to bit 15 for later checks (i.e. both bits 31 and 15 are now sign
| bits). Take care, the upper 16 bits of rounding info are ignored for 32 bit
| integers !
| Revision 1.5, ++jrb 03-90:
| change __normdf interface to expect ints instead of shorts. easier
| to interface to 32 bit int code. this file is now pre-processed,
| with __MSHORT__ defined when ints are 16 bits.
| Revision 1.4, kub 03-90 :
| export ___normdf entry to C language. Rename the internal entry to a name
| not accessible from C to prevent crashes
| Revision 1.3, kub 01-90 :
| added support for denormalized numbers
| Revision 1.2, kub 01-90 :
| replace far shifts by swaps to gain speed
| Revision 1.1, kub 12-89 :
| Ported over to 68k assembler
| Revision 1.0:
| original 8088 code from P.S.Housel
.globl __infinitydf
#if !defined (__M68881__) && !defined (sfp004)
.globl ___normdf
.globl norm_df
#include "errbase.h"
.ascii "normdf: OVERFLOW\12\15\0"
| C entry, for procs dealing with the internal representation :
| double __normdf(long long mant, int exp, int sign, int rbits);
lea sp@(4),a0 | parameter pointer
moveml d2-d7,sp@- | save working registers
moveml a0@+,d4-d5 | get mantissa
# ifdef __MSHORT__
movew a0@+,d0 | get exponent
movew a0@+,d2 | get sign
movew a0@+,d1 | rounding information
# else
movel a0@+,d0 | get exponent
movel a0@+,d2 | get sign
bpl 0f | or bit 31 to bit 15 for later tests
bset #15,d2
0: movel a0@+,d1 | rounding information
movel #0x7fff,d3
cmpl d3,d0 | test exponent
bgt oflow
notl d3 | #-0x8000 -> d3
cmpl d3,d0
blt retz
# endif
| internal entry for floating point package, saves time
| d0=u.exp, d2=u.sign, d1=rounding bits, d4/d5=mantissa
| registers d2-d7 must be saved on the stack !
movel d4,d3 | rounding and u.mant == 0 ?
orl d5,d3
bne 1f
tstb d1
beq retzok
movel d4,d3
andl #0xfffff000,d3 | fast shift, 16 bits ?
bne 2f
cmpw #9,d0 | shift is going to far; do normal shift
ble 2f | (minimize shifts here : 10l = 16l + 6r)
swap d4 | yes, swap register halfs
swap d5
movew d5,d4
moveb d1,d5 | some doubt about this one !
lslw #8,d5
clrw d1
subw #16,d0 | account for swap
bra 1b
clrb d2 | sticky byte
movel #0xffe00000,d6
3: tstw d0 | divide (shift)
ble 0f | denormalized number
movel d4,d3
andl d6,d3 | or until no bits above 53
beq 4f
0: addw #1,d0 | increment exponent
lsrl #1,d4
roxrl #1,d5
orb d1,d2 | set sticky
roxrb #1,d1 | shift into rounding bits
bra 3b
andb #1,d2
orb d2,d1 | make least sig bit sticky
asrl #1,d6 | #0xfff00000 -> d6
5: movel d4,d3 | multiply (shift) until
andl d6,d3 | one in implied position
bne 6f
subw #1,d0 | decrement exponent
beq 6f | too small. store as denormalized number
addb d1,d1 | some doubt about this one *
addxl d5,d5
addxl d4,d4
bra 5b
tstb d1 | check rounding bits
bge 8f | round down - no action neccessary
negb d1
bvc 7f | round up
movew d5,d1 | tie case - round to even
| dont need rounding bits any more
andw #1,d1 | check if even
beq 8f | mantissa is even - no action necessary
| fall through
clrl d1 | zero rounding bits
addl #1,d5
addxl d1,d4
tstw d0
bne 0f | renormalize if number was denormalized
addw #1,d0 | correct exponent for denormalized numbers
bra 2b
0: movel d4,d3 | check for rounding overflow
asll #1,d6 | #0xffe00000 -> d3
andl d6,d3
bne 2b | go back and renormalize
movel d4,d3 | check if normalization caused an underflow
orl d5,d3
beq retz
tstw d0 | check for exponent overflow or underflow
blt retz
cmpw #2047,d0
bge oflow
lslw #5,d0 | re-position exponent - one bit too high
lslw #1,d2 | get X bit
roxrw #1,d0 | shift it into sign position
swap d0 | map to upper word
clrw d0
andl #0x0fffff,d4 | top mantissa bits
orl d0,d4 | insert exponent and sign
movel d4,d0
movel d5,d1
moveml sp@+,d2-d7
moveq #Erange,d0
Emove d0,Errno
moveq #0,d0 | return zero value
movel d0,d1
lslw #1,d2 | set value of extension
roxrl #1,d0 | and move it to hight bit of d0
0: moveml sp@+,d2-d7
pea pc@(LC0)
pea Stderr
jbsr _fprintf |
addql #8,a7 |
moveq #Erange,d0
Emove d0,Errno
| moveml pc@(__infinitydf),d0-d1 | return infinity value
moveml __infinitydf,d0-d1 | return infinty value
tstw d2
bpl 1f
bset #31,d0
moveml sp@+,d2-d7 | should really cause trap ?!? (mjr: why?)
#endif __M68881__
__infinitydf: | +infinity as proposed by IEEE
.long 0x7ff00000,0x00000000